The next Life Chain will occur on October 6, 2024 from 2 – 3:30 pm.
This event tends to occur on a Sunday in October from 2 – 3:30 p.m. We line up along 1st Avenue in Cedar Rapids. Check back later for specific details about the date and portion of 1st Avenue.
Since Roe vs Wade and before, millions of innocent lives have been violently ended before birth. Today, this modern holocaust has been stretched to even include killing the innocent shortly after birth at the request of the mother. Although many will state their disagreement with abortion and infanticide, they are uncertain of what they, as individuals, can do. Life Chain provides a unique opportunity to not only pray for life, but to do so in a peaceful, public, and community manner.
Life Chain IS NOT a rowdy or calloused demonstration with frivolous conversation and vocal interaction with motorists. IT IS a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life individuals standing for 90 minutes and praying for our nation and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that the act of abortion kills children and that the church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. Over 28,000 Life Chains have been held in the US and Canada.
Coalition for Life of Iowa organizes the Cedar Rapids Life Chain, which is a link of the many other life chains around the world. Please help us to provide a devout prayer vigil that God can use to change hearts and save lives and families in our local area.
For more information please go to
7 Reasons to Attend Life Chain:
- To minister to the public, aided by the Holy Spirit, with humility, compassion, and conviction.
- To provide God a witness in the saving of lives and the changing of hearts.
- To join a national prayer chain that seeks God’s forgiveness and intervention.
- To better understand the impact abortion is having on our country and why the church must end the killing.
- To move the church from the sanctuary to the “city gates” and the “marketplace.”
- To honor our youngest citizens, the unborn, who perish needlessly.
- To build a resolute army of Christians who are pro-life in both word and deed. An army who will engage the curse of legal abortion until the laws are changed and our country will again provide security and freedom for every citizen, born and preborn.
Life Chain is a devout prayer vigil and witness that God can use to change hearts. This is a great way to pray, witness to your pro-life beliefs while socially distancing.
Did you know, over 62 million deaths have occurred from surgical and chemical abortions in the United States since its legalization?
- Stand with thousands of pro-lifers throughout the USA and Canada! You’ll be a light in a darkened world as you help put an end to abortion through prayer!
- Bring your whole family!
- Water, lawn chairs, umbrellas and strollers are welcome and encouraged!
- Rain or shine!
Contact Sue at 319-270-0054 for more information.