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Have you ever talked to someone about the topic of abortion and it didn’t go well? Perhaps you were so uncertain of what to say that you didn’t even engage in the discussion. Maybe you just want to help others understand your pro-life stance now that abortion is in the news so often. Knowing what to say isn’t automatic for people, but it doesn’t take long to learn a great deal of time to learn some useful skills. We are bringing in a speaker who speaks all over the country and has even been interviewed on the BBC.
Equal Rights Institute’s Emily Albrecht will teach you what ERI’s team has learned about changing pro-choice minds about abortion after years of carefully testing arguments in thousands of conversations all over the country. ERI has learned which arguments are the most persuasive to today’s pro-choice advocates. ERI has learned how to communicate them in ways that they find compelling. Find out what we’ve learned in this comprehensive seminar.
Their approach can change minds of people who are on the other side of the issue. But consider that roughly half or more of people find themselves somewhere in the middle. Some people are mostly pro-life and just need something simple to nudge them the rest of the way. You can make that difference. During the Roe era, the people’s voices didn’t matter as much. It mattered a bit more after the Casey ruling. But now, it matters more than ever! Do you want to make a difference?
Reserve your seat while there’s room!
The cost covers lunch. We cover the rest.
- $10 for adults if you order by Labor Day
- $7 for students if you order by Labor Day
The cost goes up after that, so order now! Sign up at: